Social Media Ruining Election & Blogging Politics and Social Change
1. Twitter is not helpful in building healthy political discourse. According to the author, it is “antithetical to sophisticated, thoughtful political conversation.” Why?
At its core, Twitter is a messaging service allowing users (who can remain anonymous) to tweet out in only 140 words whatever information they want. The anonymous nature allows for false information and inaccuracy that can create a larger disconnect. The conversations are also very limited and do not need to be continued or agreed on. These conversations are important to resolve in politics, but Twitter does not allow the conversation or the resolution occur in some situations.e
2. The spokeswoman of twitter thinks social media democratized political conversation. In what way do you think she is correct?
She is correct because since every user is given a chance to voice their opinion to either all their followers or in opposition to somebody random, everyone is given the chance to speak so Twitter gives people a space for all opinions to be heard.
3. Why does Facebook only function to foster discussion among like-minded people, not on wider social level? How does Facebook help the politics in more healthy way?
Facebook's News Feed shows users content that is based on the user’s interests which confirms the users ideologies so they feel even more sure about their stance. Facebook helps politics in a healthy way by providing a platform for new information from different groups and expose people two new ideas.
4. Why does the author think social media ruin the election of 2016?
The author claims that social media’s nature produces a political discussion that is highly partisan, and without concern for actual policy. From the time Trump and Clinton formally began their campaigns for president, they only had two conversations about actual policy on Twitter their top 10 most tweeted days.
5. In the article “Blogging,” how did blogging get used for political cause in addition to connecting people?
Blogging became useful to political change by bloggers in one instance with Ethical Oil as well as the Prime Minister of Canada, used a blog to support claims that American environmental groups are financing Canadian environmentalists who have protested the Northern Gateway oil pipeline. This blogger was attacked by environmentalists who are afraid of the Pipeline being built because of the danger of it leaking. This shifts the attention in political conversation because she gets agreed with by conservative government.
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